Zoom Pro accounts include an audio transcription service for your recordings. It can take up to 4 days to receive a version of your Zoom recording with embedded transcript. To enable this service, you must turn on the feature in your extended Zoom settings, found online at https://zoom.us/profile/setting?tab=recording and you must use Cloud Recording for your session:

A few days after the end of your session, the meeting host will receive an email like this:

From: "Zoom" <no-reply@zoom.us>
Subject: Audio Transcript for the recording [Zoom meeting title] is now available

The audio transcript of your meeting recording is now available.

These files are available to view, download, and edit on the recording detail page: 
[link to keep privately]

To share the recording with the integrated audio transcript:
[link to share, with password]

Thank you for choosing Zoom.
-The Zoom Team