(If you are looking to type Apache on iOS, visit this article instead.)

All of the SCAC lab computers running Windows have the Apache Language keyboard layout installed. To change between the standard US English keyboard and the Nnee Biyáti’ (Western Apache) keyboard, click on the keyboard layout switcher in the system tray at the bottom right of the Desktop. (Conversely, if you’re trying to type in English and you keep getting unexpected accent marks, etc, when typing punctuation marks like the colon, semicolon, and square bracket keys, the Apache keyboard may be enabled and you may need to switch it back to the US English keyboard.)

Below is the keymap for setting the various diacritics and accent marks. (You must enable the Western Apache keyboard layout to use this keymap.) Here are also the marks for people who would prefer to simply copy and paste:
á é í ó ú ą ę į ǫ ų ą́ ę́ į́ ǫ́ ų́ ł ṉ Á É Í Ó Ú Ą Ę Į Ǫ Ų Ą́ Ę́ Į́ Ǫ́ Ų́ Ł Ṉ

Download the full Western Apache Keymap document (PDF) for further details.

If you’d like to install the Apache language keyboard on your own Windows or Mac computer for free, please find the latest download files and directions at LanguageGeek.com. (Search for "Nṉee Biyáti' (W. Apache)" or "apw" on the linked page.)

(If you are looking to type Apache on iOS, visit this article instead.)